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       [_][_][_][_][_][_]            (__)  THE GENESIS USER'S GROUP
       [_][_][_][_][_][_]            (oo)
       [_][_][_][_][_][_]     /-------\/         NEWSLETTER #8
     [][][][][][][][][][][]  / |     || 
     [][][][][][][][][][][] *  ||----||         August 22, 1997
     [][][][][][][][][][][]    ^^    ^^         

This newsletter announces some new additions to the babel directories, including GENESIS 2.1 and PGENESIS 2.1, a major update to the Parallel GENESIS library.


GENESIS version 2.1 is now available. This release includes many new features and enhancements to previous versions. In addition to many bug fixes, these are the most significant new features of GENESIS version 2.1:

Further details are given in genesis/src/CHANGES, and genesis/Doc/Changes.doc.


This directory also contains a much improved release of Parallel GENESIS (PGENESIS 2.1), designed for networks of workstations (NOW), symmetric multiprocessors (SMP) and massively parallel processors (MPP). This release, which replaces the experimental version which was previously available on this site, can be run on any platform which supports GENESIS 2.1 and the PVM (Parallel Virtual Machine) software. PGENESIS 2.1 has been tested extensively on IRIX 5.3, Digital UNIX, Unicos/mk (Cray T3E). It has been run on SunOS, Solaris, Linux, HPUX and Intel Paragon.

If you wish to compile the parallel libraries for GENESIS, you will need to download the following files, in addition to the GENESIS 2.1 distribution:

Readme.pgenesis                 - top level instructions
pgenesis.2.1.tgz                - source including docs
pvm3.3.11.tar.gz                - pvm 3.3.11 sources
pvm.ug.ps.gz                    - pvm userguide in postscript

If you do not have the gnu gunzip utility, you may download the larger files with the ".Z" extension which werre produced with UNIX compress.

Please see Readme.pgenesis and the README file and hypertext documentation in the PGENESIS distribution for further information about PGENESIS.

New Additions to the BABEL Directories

There have also been several updates to the BABEL cells, objects, and utils directories. The notable changes are:




Accessing babel:

You can access the babel directories by ftp to babel.bbb.caltech.edu (, username "babel" and password "babelon". Alternatively, you may access the directories and past babelnews postings from the BABEL WWW site (http://www.bbb.caltech.edu/BABEL/babel.html). As before, we have no objections if this account is used by other GENESIS users with whom you work. However, we ask you not to give out this access information indiscriminately.

The top directory ("/") is the main BABEL directory. You can use "ls" or "dir" to see what else is there, and "cd" to navigate through the directories. The README file describes the organization of the BABEL directories, and each subdirectory has its own README file.

Dave Beeman - GENESIS Users Group (dbeeman@dogstar.colorado.edu)
BABEL WWW site - http://www.bbb.caltech.edu/BABEL/babel.html
GENESIS WWW site - http://www.bbb.caltech.edu/GENESIS
European mirror of GENESIS site - ftp://bbf-ftp.uia.ac.be/genesis
Postings to babelnews: babelnews@bbb.caltech.edu
To communicate with babel: babel@bbb.caltech.edu