Documentation for GENESIS installation:

README_GENESIS.html - An updated version of the README file from the GENESIS 2.3 distribution, with instructions for installation.

README_cygin.html - Information on using GENESIS under Windows with Cygwin.

Mini-Tutorial on installing GENESIS with Cygwin - A quick guide that has been updated to reflect changes in Cygwin packaging since the original README files were written.

README.pgenesis.html - Information about PGENESIS (GENESIS) for parallel computers

The PGENESIS hypertext documentation - contains the contents of pgenesis/Hyperdoc from pgenesis-2.3.1-src.tar.gz

GENESIS distributions in gzipped tar format:

genesis-2.3-src.tar.gz - The full source distribution. Use this if you have problems installing one of the pre-compiled binary versions, or want to examine or extend the GENESIS source code.

genesis-2.3-Linux-bin.tar.gz - Pre-compiled binary for Linux

genesis-2.3-Cygwin-bin.tar.gz - Pre-compiled binary for Windows with Cygwin

genesis-2.3-MacOSXDarwin-bin.tar.gz - For Mac OS/X on Power PC systems

genesis-2.3-MacOSX-Intel-bin.tar.gz - For Mac OS/X on Intel i386 systems.

pgenesis-2.3.1-src.tar.gz - Additional files for installing Parallel GENESIS (PGENESIS). Note that the GENESIS source distribution must also be installed to use PGENESIS.

GENESIS Contact Information

The GENESIS web site is Please report any problems or experiences using GENESIS to the user forums at the web site, or to the genesis-sim-users mailing list. Note that some of the older GENESIS distribution README files mention ftp and email addresses that may no longer function.

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